Wednesday, 12 March 2008

What's the new approaches in emotional advertising?

What can I do for my research? This is because many people have already done with research of advertising in emotions and rations. In addition, some people are studying brand personality creation through advertising.
I would like to make more innovative marketing approaches, which are very attractive to people. (reach to human emotions)

What's the new strategy to capture consumer's attentions? Nowadays, many companies focus on ethical issues and social problems. The companies tend to focus on obisity problem, environmental pollutions and so on, which they ignored in the past. Is it good to focus on for the companies? Do people think these activities are only for company's benefits? (A company just want to gain a reputation?)

There is a controversial issue regarding green marketing.

"They're already getting found out. According to a survey by Ipsos Mori, four out of five consumers in the U.K. believe companies pretend to be ethical just to sell more products. Small wonder: Reputable marketers including Volkswagen, Lexus, Tesco and RyanAir have all been caught making empty claims about their green credentials by U.K. watchdog the Advertising Standards Authority, leading to a clampdown on marketers who make unproven claims."


I found:
1. Trust between consumers and companies is must.
2. The company needs an evidence of green marketing.

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